Tailored insurance protection built to order

If you're a builder, you probably spend all your time looking after your customer's else's projects, juggling subbies, worrying about the weather and ordering supplies, and not enough time watching out for your own interests. That's where we at Rose Stanton Insurance Brokers can step in.

You can't afford to risk all your hard work because you hadn't allowed for unexpected risks and potential problems. So before walk on site, talk to us.

We can offer a full range of solutions depending on the nature of your business and the challenges you're likely to face. To make life easier for you, cover can be purchased annually to include the many projects you'll tackle in a year. Or, you can arrange cover on a single project basis with package tailor made for the job ahead.

So read through this guide to what we offer, then so talk to us about your needs and let us formulate the right solution.

We've constructed a better insurance service for builders

At Rose Stanton, we've been avid supporters of the building industry and property developers for decades and have acquired considerable expertise in the field. That's why we created the Builders and Developers Insurance Broking Service. We can help safeguard builders and developers who are embarking on a wide range of projects, from minor renovations to major construction projects.

So for sound advice on protecting your interests, whether you're a building contractor, owner builder, developer or tradie, talk to us. As the Builders and Developers Insurance Broking Service, chances are we'll be able to foresee situations you need to be aware of before you jump in at the deep end.

This deals with losses while on site. That could mean material lost or damaged , the removal of debris, expediting expenses, professional fees, damage to existing structures, plant tools and equipment whilst on site. Public Liability insurance is also part of the package.

Look after your employees who may be injured by accident or industrial diseases during their employment. They are legally entitled to compensation under various Workers Compensation statutes. Acts in each state and territory in Australia require employers to maintain compulsory, no fault insurance to cover their legal liability.

Look after your most valuable asset: your people. This cover provides weekly and lump sum benefits for accidental death, injury or illness to a specified person or persons.

Imagine turning up on site and accidentally damaging a client's property or vehicle. This insurance deals with buildings, contents and covers fire, storm, 'tempests' (extreme storms) impact, malicious damage, including automatic accidental damage and provides full replacement cover.

With this cover, you'll be reimbursed for losses due to visible forced and violent entry into your premises, even people hiding in your premises and persons who threaten or use violence.

Deals with loss or damage to specified property - normally portable items - which are not covered by the insurance cover you have on your premises.

Also known as 'Marine Cargo Insurance', if you ship or transport goods, you need this to protect cargo in transit between locations. You've a choice of cover for Inland or Overseas, travelling by land, air or sea.

A call from the tax man or other government agencies can bring significant expense. Tax Audit Insurance covers fees charged by accountants or other professionals and costs for obtaining expert advice during a Taxation Office audit or investigation by other government authorities.

For most builders and construction contractors, a vehicle is an integral part of staying in business. So Rose Stanton can cover your car, truck or ute with:
- Comprehensive 'Ëœown damage' and third party property damage insurance
- Third Party Property Damage plus Fire & Theft
- Third Party Property Damage only
- CTP insurance at competitive rates

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